
Laus | ADG-FAD – Silver

Award, Campaign

Laus | ADG-FAD – Silver

Laus | ADG-FAD – Silver

Laus | ADG-FAD – Silver


Campaign: Rafa Sells Car – McCann Erickson
Client: Kia Motors España
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Summary of the Campaign
Kia Spain asked us to increase the notoriety of their sponsorship of Rafael Nadal in Spain out of the conventional media: print and TV Ads.

To tease the media and the fans with a story to be shared and commented, with an innovative action placed somewhere in between advertising and real life.
Then, unveil the launch of the New Kia Pro C’eed.

To do so Rafa Nadal placed a mysterious ad on Mallorca’s local newspaper Última Hora with his phone number on it, causing thousands of calls and sms asking for the car. The next day, Rafa himself had to admit on his own FB page that his voice mail crashed, and placed a video in which he showcased the car, while announcing that after all the interest generated, he would be auctioning the car in eBay and giving all the benefits to his Foundation.

The media shared the news and the video, and everybody went talking about Kia and Rafa.

The situation
Kia Motors sponsors Rafael Nadal. But they only get a few hours a year to film commercials and for photo shoots. They wanted to create a PR action that generated conversations around the brand and Rafa, strenghting the association between them.

The Goal
The goal is to link Rafa Nadal with Kia, thus getting more of the cost of the sponsorship.
The audience was restricted to Spain, with the objective of being as notorious as possible.

There will be a research made in May to show the increase of the awareness of the brand.


Documented Results

  • +2800 calls in 48 hours
  • +40,000 likes on Facebook (The action was geo-limited to Spain)
  • +7,000,000 impressions
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